Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Foiled again... by the computer:) I was attempting to post this photo of my friend Dominique and somehow ended up publishing the draft... so here's the photo and we'll continue where we left off!

What I love about this outfit is the perfect blend of harsh winter with soft spring. There are harder and darker lines in the vest, and a softer blended look with the long sleeved t-shirt. I also love the pink fingerless mittens... they add a beautiful touch of color without overdoing it just yet so early in the season. What I also love about this is the creativity that went into this outfit. Dominique is wearing vintage glasses, fingerless mittens that were knitted by a friend, and a vest that was originally a coat earlier in the day. Dom found this coat at Sak's and loved the design of it... however, the sleeves were a bit short. So, after a few snips and stitches you have a beautifully tailored, down vest for $6. Does it get any better than that?!

Well, without getting too crazy about how I feel about Spring and it's fashion, I'd like to end with saying that part two of Spring fashion and Spring hair will be posted within the week... but I'll leave you with a song that you will LOVE... enjoy!

Oh delicious Spring!

Well, shucks... I have thus far completely dropped the ball on my blog! I don't know exactly what happens when February sets in. It seems like EVERY year I'm truckin' along just fine and then SHIZAM!... February sucks my brain out of my skull and I wake up in April thinking, "Good gravy, what happened to me?!" I'm very aware of how winter affects me, but for some reason I'm surprised every single spring when I pull out of my funk and I feel alive again. So, anyways, moving on! Lets dwell on the positive, shall we? :)

Now that I'm am fully immersed in Spring, I feel alive and ready to start blogging again... phew! With that comes the million and one ideas I've had over the past 3 months that I wanted to write about. What's been on my mind lately is Spring fashion and Spring hair... which I believe go together, but are very much separate islands to swim around.

Spring fashion is so fun, isn't it?! Everybody starts looking around at everybody else as more skin starts to show and tan lines begin. Well, in my case that would be burn lines, but that's a whole other blog concerning skin. So, as more skin starts to show and mating season begins... we watch fashion really bloom alongside the trees and plants surrounding us. Women's hem details become more floral, feminine, scalloped and flirty unlike their hard-lined and architectural winter neighbors. The color palettes transition from dark reds, grays, and blacks to lighter, sunnier options of yellows, creams, and pastels. I personally cannot wear pastel colors unless I'm sickly tan... and that is just not an option anymore. I am a big fan of Nicole Kidman's perfect pale skin and her's is the perfect image to visualize when I'm stepping out into the sun with my MyChelle SPF 28 and feeling like a nerd. Anyways, back to the Spring color palette. While living in Montana a lot of the rules for fashion must be amended because of our crazy weather systems. Spring is a huge transition for weather in Montana... it is very possible to have 70 degree weather one week and 20 degree weather the next week. This makes the Montana fashionista very creative and flexible. My friend Dominique is a great example of this: