Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Foiled again... by the computer:) I was attempting to post this photo of my friend Dominique and somehow ended up publishing the draft... so here's the photo and we'll continue where we left off!

What I love about this outfit is the perfect blend of harsh winter with soft spring. There are harder and darker lines in the vest, and a softer blended look with the long sleeved t-shirt. I also love the pink fingerless mittens... they add a beautiful touch of color without overdoing it just yet so early in the season. What I also love about this is the creativity that went into this outfit. Dominique is wearing vintage glasses, fingerless mittens that were knitted by a friend, and a vest that was originally a coat earlier in the day. Dom found this coat at Sak's and loved the design of it... however, the sleeves were a bit short. So, after a few snips and stitches you have a beautifully tailored, down vest for $6. Does it get any better than that?!

Well, without getting too crazy about how I feel about Spring and it's fashion, I'd like to end with saying that part two of Spring fashion and Spring hair will be posted within the week... but I'll leave you with a song that you will LOVE... enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. How cute is she? Are you loving bozeman so much that you're not coming back to Helena?
