Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Inspiration at last...

I found some inspiration... praise the land! Last week I was fretting and fretting about going back to school. I was underwhelmed, uninspired, discouraged about the lack of sustainable, scientifically sound and fashion forward hair products, and lacking the vision needed to be stoked about school. I have an issue giving my time away to anything that I'm not excited about... this includes going outside when it's cold out, eating salad when all I want is a box of Theo's chocolate (this caramel description should give you a taste of what I mean: cardamom sings over a base of our rich buttery caramel to create an exotic and warming combination. Garnished with smoked almond and Hawaiian red sea salt), and spending 36 hours a week at school when I'm not feeling it. I knew that I needed to find something that would make me excited about school or I was going to be miserable the next 10 months... harumph! But, true to how the universe generally works for me, I found a light at the end of my beautyschool tunnel. I was introduced to a haircare line called Davines. You can find them at The first sentence on the page that I saw was "Beauty will save the world, and sustainability can make it happen." And then I fell in love. It took me about 17 seconds to realize that I just found the line that I wanted to be in love with, and I felt like it immediately loved me back. I couldn't read the pages fast enough; nor could I absorb all of the beautiful and INSPIRING photos and write-ups as fast as I wanted to. I am very passionate about hair. I am also very passionate about using products that are good for your body, good for the environment, and scientifically sound. All of this mumbo jumbo finally found a place to live harmoniously together... in Italy. Of course. Which is fine; it'll be a great place for me to go and study someday! And by study I mean dine, dance, shop, and meet beautiful men... of course.

So all of this was very exciting for me because I would also like to have a line of my own someday. I would like to have a haircare and/or skincare line that is sustainable, ecologically and environmentally sound, and based around what we have here in Montana... especially as far as plants and herbs go. I believe that the earth gives us the things that we need for our bodies. This is true with food and I believe the same is true for our hair and our skin. I know that there are many properties to plants and such, and this is where my research begins... learning more about what plants are native to Montana, what properties those plants have and how they benefit us, and how to find a scientist who can put all of this together for me. Looks like I have quite the adventure ahead of me... and I'm ECSTATIC! So, I have a few books on herbs that I'm starting, but if anyone has any suggestions on other good books to dive into, let me know! I currently have Nature's Pharmacy and The Herb Bible... both of which are great; however, not as detailed in the Montana and cosmetic areas.

Well, enough about what I've been inspired by for the moment. I would like to end on a fashionably fun note. I ordered a few things from Urban Outfitters to start of the new year and here they are!

These are my new leather biking/walking/life gloves...

This is my new orchid hair piece...

And this is my new vintage hat...

The hat was really a find of the century... it has real fur on the rim and it is in perfect condition... I love Sak's! For those of you who don't know... Sak's is a thrift store across the street from my school. It is the store where I found my perfect white Sorel's for $15, tons of cute vintage clothes and scarves, one of my new favorite books (blog to come later!), and a very cute nameless boy who rides a Bianchi. I love Sak's. It is my favorite store in Bozeman, hands down.

Happy hair, happy clothes finding, and a very happy week to you!


  1. Okay, so now you have got me excited enough about Davines to check it out! And I've been wanting to...for quite awhile now actually. And I'm freakin' thrilled about the idea of your own product line because a dream of mine would definitely be to create a skin care line of my own. Essential oils are huge. I bought a really great book the other day (it was for Aromatherapy) but it had some amazing ideas/recipes for skin care remedies and all natural ailment medicines. And it has so much information in it as far as what different plants/herbs/oils are used for. Laurin is totally digging herself into an area of this as well, talk to her and see about the book she bought. I think, from what I've heard, that it may be one for you to add to your stack.
    I LoveLoveLove your new stuff. Schwester, you can pull off the raddest shit! I'm envious :)
    PS: I need to hear more on nameless boy!
